
Monday, May 11, 2015

Perfect Pause now back at it

Big day May 9th. Happiness, sadness, thoughts of the past, hope for the future. Alicia graduated with Bachelors in Child and Family Dev from Penn State joining roughly 643,000 in the Alumni Association as she gets ready to intern at the Key Program in Spfld. Social services for troubled youth. She is seriously considering and planning on a Masters degree. Yep, she's kind of a big deal.
There she is, my mommy dearest! Jk mom you know I love Ya and you only came at me once when I was around 13/14 with a dog leash (chain), well deserved with my wise mouth. Other than that one time it was always "wait till your father gets home!" 
My folks met in Boston where she grew up and my dad was stationed in Boston Harbor with the Navy during WWll. They met at a roller skating rink, how cute is that? How cute is she? Adorable I know.
Back at it today. After 3 zero days, it was a slow and tender 6.9 miles. My ankles are still swollen from twists and turns but still ok to trudge. My pack weighs 50lbs fully loaded. They say it should weigh 30-35. Julie from REI in West Hartford Ct, about 5.4 125 lbs guessing 40ish carried a 60lb pack the distance last year so I'm gonna try with the fitty. I've lost roughly 15lbs myself. 
The sign below reads 1914 miles to Katahdin Maine.
A little creature feature. Can you see what I saw the other day? It was actually the smaller of 2. The other asked me not to take his pic as he was an escapee named Pliskin. Can u guess from where he escaped?
You like the creature feature? Here's another. Can you find it?
I'm gonna close with a devo to one who had a big impact on me 27 years ago. I was rescued by prayer from a world famous cult. Having been so incredibly deceived I found myself on an immediate quest for the truth. I went to the (mainline)church of Christ, the family there along with my sister Karen were those who had prayed.
Raul Fonseca was the preacher and along with several others gave me exactly what I was looking for and haven't needed to search for since.
So sincere about his own quest for truth and interpretation Raul learned Greek. Over the years he moved South then back North always teaching and preaching. Raul was the kind of teacher that you could listen to for a long long time. He visited the camp last year and told me a fascinating story. His last home bible study in Fla before leaving for Vermont saw almost 40 people. One very quiet and unassuming attendee gave Raul his card after the study asking if Raul might give him a call some time. That man is one of the producers of the sequel to The Passion called The Resurrection due in theaters on Easter 2017. He asked Raul to be the lead biblical consultant as the producers are seeking to make this the most biblically accurate Christian film.
Now, when you're watching a race and your driver crosses first, or your team wins the championship or the runner successfully "finishes the race" what's the reaction? The sign of victory! Raul was brought home last Monday, young at 61 after a recent diagnosis of cancer.
You finished well my friend.

1 comment:

  1. You didn't go all Big Dan the "Bible salesman" on that toad, did ya? SPLAT!
