
Wednesday, September 23, 2015

The Word's Out

Meet Chopper and Murray. What a tremendous encouragement and heart string pulling father and son duo:
Chopper is the handsome guy in the back with the baseball cap, his dad Murray is better looking, in better shape, and at 80 is kickin his son's butt. We played leap frog several times during their 11th year together on the trail. They're sectioners who plan to finish in 2 years. How cool is that? Within a couple days of their last day of their annual 2 week trek, while Jet Ski and his future son in law (not in pic) and I were literally standing in the middle of an intersection, in the middle of nowhere (the "geographical oddity" following me since Georgia) receiving directions, Chopper and Murray popped out, yelled out then essentially adopted us for 2 days. Each with a truck they ferried us to dinner, breakfast, re supply, then after giving us the opp to slack pack treated us to dinner and brew at their shelter. Chopper is a 20 yr Army man(stock rose immediately in my book) he's been flying the latest and greatest helicopters we produce for 10 yrs and training others. Murray was a machine maker and cop for 10 years, we spoke of how insane the recent news has been. 
The Green Mountains of Vermont were nothing short of spectacular. Who doesn't love the smell of pine?
The Greens were verdant, covered, packed and alive.
Certainly not without great vistas:
And reminders that others are still here, though I don't dig graffiti:
I guess no state along the trail is now complete without one of these:
It has come to my attention that what I've witnessed is now making the news, there has been an element, a small portion of hikers, we call hickers, wreaking havoc everywhere and driving businesses, parks and even entire towns to consider banning AT hikers next year. Sad it's really just a small but pervasive percentage of bad apples.
On the lighter side, this one still has me laughing though the guy was def sketch. He is heading south, comes up on me and says "you thru hikin?" I look the part ya know. "Yes sir!" I reply. "You retired?" "What's ur trail name" he asks. "Sparky". Then he launches, "I'm a section hiker , done the trail umpteen times, go out every weekend blah blah blah but totally serious face then says his trail name is "Blaze of Glory" I immediately laughed but he stayed straight and serious. I asked "do you have kids" guessing he's mid fifties. He says "yeah" then proceeds,  he was on the trail down south a few years ago "witnessing" to a young girl (sketcher) when he got up "kissed a tree" then the girl says "your name should be blaze of glory!" Ooookaaayyy. So I can't this go, I said "well at least ur kids will know what to put on ur tombston" He totally straight pan faced just no expression says "well take care" and I walked away (quickly) laughing.
One of my kin says she won't be seen publicly with me till I shave.
Another says when I'm done she's gonna feed me straight lard! Lard like blubber and blab is a perfect word isn't it?
I'm still reading my devo book but can't remember nor have the time to go back and see those I've already sent.
Suffice it to say, the more I see, the more I'm amazed.
There's so much evidence.
I'm in the Whites as I write this and will share more of that next time. Signal is scarce to say the least.
I hope yall are doin well.

1 comment:

  1. Real nice blog. Great pic's with great memories attached!
